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Video Converter for 3D VR and Plattform for Video Manipulation and Video Evaluation

Frankenstein - Segment Filters

Available Sample Filters

Howto create a new filter (!!! UNDER CONSTRUCTION !!!)


A filter is made of the following parts:

The easiest way is to create the filter class is to extend de.serviceflow.frankenstein.vf.segment.DefaultSegmentFilter. DefaultSegmentFilter expects all the classes and resources to be placed in the same package. Look at de.serviceflow.frankenstein.vf.segment.BWFilter for an example.

Step 1: Create a controller class for the filter configuration editor

Start with an empty class. You can place fxml handling code there later:


package samplefilters;

public class SampleConfigController {


Step 2: Create property files

The property files are required to store localized text of you Controller Configuration Editor. The default property file is mandatory and should contain english text. It must contain a property name mapped to the display name of the filter.

The file name is based on an unique identifier for you filter resources. In this example i choose sample Place it the proper resource package with the suffix .properties


message=No configuration options.

You may add localized versions of the file like this:


message=Keine Einstellungenoptionen.

Step 3: Create a new fxml layout file.

Notice: Eclipse JavaFX-Edition has a SceneBuilder.

Start by copying the following example and change the controller class reference behind fx:controller= to your class from step 1 (use full-qualified java class name).


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<?import javafx.geometry.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.text.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.control.*?>
<?import java.lang.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.image.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.*?>
<?import javafx.scene.layout.BorderPane?>

<BorderPane xmlns="" xmlns:fx="" fx:controller="samplefilters.SampleConfigController">
      <Label text="%message" BorderPane.alignment="CENTER">
            <Font name="System Italic" size="14.0" />

In the example above the property message from step 2 is used, by using the % operator.

Step 4: Create Filter Class

Now create the filter class:


package samplefilters;

import org.opencv.core.Mat;
import de.serviceflow.frankenstein.vf.segment.DefaultSegmentFilter;

public class SampleFilter extends DefaultSegmentFilter<SampleConfigController> {

	public SampleFilter() {
	public Mat process(Mat sourceFrame, int frameId) {
		// TODO: Your open OpenCV code here ...
		return sourceFrame;

	protected void initializeController() {
		// optional TODO ...

Step 5: Add filter to the list and use it

finally append list in FxMain.createSegmentFilters()

Now you can test the filter, by start Frankenstein VR and configure something, then on the progress scene move slider to starting frame, click M, move slider to the end frame, add press add, select the freshly added segment, click edit, select you filter from drop down, optionally configure it and press ok. Now you can move the slider inside the segment and the frame preview will show it.

Advanced: Native Development

Provide a gcc compiler (choose one):

Build with:

cd jnilibrary
mvn clean package
mvn package

Comment: The package phase (for jniplugin-java) needs to be executed twice, because the build process is circular.

Test JNI loading within project directory:

java -Djava.library.path=jniplugin/native/win64/target -cp jniplugin/java/target/classes  cc0.JniTest

Some messages should appear: Hello from C++!

Plattform Issues


Your own plugin must depend on the Frankenstein API with the following Maven coordinates:
